Thursday, May 8, 2008

Volunteers Recruitment

Imagine the warm sandy beach, salt-scented breeze, beautiful sunshine, blue skies and the heart-pounding thrill of the Pacific Surf. This year, we will be traveling to the Hawaiian Islands for VBS 2008, the Outrigger Island: Living God’s Unshakable Truth! During the VBS 2008, kids will know, speak and live God’s truth-aloha style. Based on Psalm 86:11, Outrigger Island will be a tropical paradise where kids will develop the stability they need to face a world of shifting sands and wavering opinions.

The Vacation Bible School is an evangelistic ministry designed to reach children of all ages, leading them to know and respond to Jesus Christ in a fun-filled, spiritual adventure that provides concentrated Bible study and encourages real-life application. VBS focused on:
- Encouraging continuous exposure to God’s Word for the our kids and their un-churched friends;
- Studying the Bible and encouraging real-life application;
- Encouraging our children and their parents to work together to reach out to the un-churched children among their friends and community;
- Creating an opportunity for touching the lives of their parents and family through their children’s participation in VBS; and
- Molding our children to be mission minded.

Recalling last year’s heartache of having to turn kids away due to the lack of space along with the reminiscence and encouragement of last year’s VBS song, “We walk by faith and not by sight”, the VBS 2008 Committee has decided to “walk by faith” in organizing 2 sessions, one in the morning and another in the afternoon, for this year’s VBS. This year, we will do something a little different by holding the Family Concert on Saturday afternoon and host the VBS kids in our Sunday School program the following day. We are expecting a crowd of around 400 children for the both sessions. We are seeking for at least 60 teaching team members and 100 volunteers. The only pre-requisite is for the volunteer is a willing heart to serve and an open heart for God to lead and mold. No other experience required! We will learn to lean on God to equip and provide for us! For more information, head to the FBC VBS blog at

Date: Monday to Friday, 24th – 28th November 2008
Saturday, 29th Nov afternoon – Family Concert
Sunday, 30th Nov morning – Sunday School Host

Surf’s up, so grab your surfboard and head for the waves! Sign up by 15th June 2008.

VBS 2008 Committee