Thursday, November 13, 2008

Aunty Lani's ABC in Simpler Terms

From Aunty Lani:

I wanted to send to all teaching team members but i fortunately (or unfortunately) don't have their email addresses.  so the job is yours if you wish to distribute this.  one big difference from many i have read - the language here is very simple and easy to understand.
How to Share the ABC's of Becoming a Christian
Sharing the ABC's
A - Admit that you are a sinner. Repent, or, turn away from your sin.
  • Everyone sins (Romans 3:23) 
  • Illustrate sin using the Ten Commandments 
  • Explain the penalty of sin (Romans 6:23a) 
  • Make it clear that sin is primarily an offense against God. 
  • Repentance means turning our back on sin and determining to have nothing else to do with it. 
B - Believe that Jesus is God's Son.
  • God loves us. 
  • Sin demands a payment (Romans 6:23a) 
  • Jesus is God's Son and He never sinned. 
  • Jesus' death on the cross meets God's requirement for a sin-penalty (death). (Romans 5:8) 
  • We must ask for God's forgiveness for our sin. 
C - Confess your faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord.
  • Put Jesus in charge of your life. (Romans 10:9-10) 
  • Use a driver's seat illustration to explain Jesus being in charge. (The driver determines the destination and the route) 
  • Confess means to make a public declaration to follow Jesus. 
  • Counsel with each child individually.
  • Don't overload kids with information; answer their questions as simply as possible.
  • Celebrate each decision to accept Christ.
  • Encourage every child counseled for making a step of faith.
 And as they share the ABC, pray that their effort is empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring understanding and faith.  Let's all -
  • Pray that children will understand the nature and meaning of sin
  • Pray that children will experience a sense of godly sorrow for their personal sins that offend God
  • Pray that children believe in the truth of Jesus as God's son and sacrifice for our sins
  • Pray that children will choose to turn their backs on sin, accept God's forgiveness, and put Jesus in charge of their lives
  • Pray for those who will be sharing the gospel, and those who will be counseling with seekers
  • Pray as we deal with parents of children who have spiritual questions or who make professions of faith in Jesus
  • Pray that during the follow-up process we can share the gospel with whole families, especially the families of children who trust in Jesus during VBS.
You can perhaps suggest to the teachers to make a visual aid of the "ABC" in their classrooms - similar to the ABC placards displayed in most kindergarten and primary classes, especially in Std. 5&6 classrooms.  at this point of time, these two class levels should be our target of evangelism, simply because of age, understanding and maturity.  and more importantly, because of our church baptist policy on children's baptism.