Outrigger Island – Living God’s Unshakeable Truth
That’s where VBS 2008 comes in. By the grace of God, we hope to help the children develop the stability they need to become unshakeable in a world of constantly changing values and beliefs. We cannot change the world in which the children are growing up, but we can certainly equip them to navigate the world with stabilising truths from God’s Word.
It is our hope that our children and their parents will use the VBS as an opportunity to reach out to the 170 unchurched children and their parents. VBS has always been comfortable and appealing to many unchurched people and provides one of the most strategic outreach tools for the church. FBC parents and children hopefully will make efforts to establish ongoing relationships with the unchurched during the VBS week, especially during the concert night where family members are invited to watch the children display their talents in a night of music and drama. And once the VBS is over, both teachers and parents would do well to actively conduct follow-up of these unchurched children and encourage them to join our church activities especially Sunday School. The church evangelistic teams can also establish friendly ties with their parents and share with them the good news of Jesus.
We take this opportunity to invite all FBC members and worshippers to be our Partners-In-Prayer! Please uphold the VBS in prayer daily. Commit the VBS into God’s hands and pray for a shield of protection throughout the week around every one of the 344 children and the 205 volunteers. Pray for all volunteers to be steadfast and excel in the Lord’s work, knowing that their labour will not be in vain. Pray for the teachers to effectively communicate Bible truths to the children they teach. Pray for the mission teachers that God will use them to spread enthusiasm for missions. Ask God for creativity and patience for those working in the media and crafts teams. Pray for stamina and strength for those leading recreational activities and those preparing snacks. Remember there are 344 children with voracious appetites and boundless energy waiting to be unleashed! Pray that the Concert night will provide wonderful witnessing opportunities for reaching the unchurched. Pray that all volunteers and children will seek Jesus with all their hearts before, during and after VBS. Thank God in advance for the blessings and opportunities He will be providing through VBS.
Painstaking efforts have gone into the planning of this year’s VBS. These plans have been able to take shape only because God, as always, has been faithful. He has provided 205 volunteers, many of whom are working adults who have sacrificed their annual leave to make it possible for us to have 2 sessions this year! Praise God too for the blessing of the ratio of 50% unchurched kids and 50% churched kids. Parents of the churched kids have made remarkable efforts to obtain passports for their kids by going all out to enlist the unchurched kids in their neighbourhood.
So, church, surf’s up, grab your surfboard and head for